Saturday, December 12, 2009

Honey and Müney

Hello! We got a little side-tracked there. See, we've had these new house guests...
This is Honey. She likes climbing into your lap for five seconds before bounding away, being brushed ALL THE TIME! ALWAYS! RIGHT NOW!, and staring at you indignantly as you walk away. Love me!
This is Müney. He likes hiding beneath our laundry drying rack, being 15 pounds, and complaining loudly about nothing in particular.
We adopted them from two co-workers of Scott's who have a two-year-old. Apparently the cats and the two-year-old weren't so much getting along. We found them when we got back to Columbus right after our wedding, hence Honey and Müney. (Honey...Moon...get it? Also, umlauts just rock.)

They're kind of the best cats ever.