Here's the scoop:
Who: Scott and Emma (That's us!)
What: Getting married (No joke!)
When: Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Where: Museum of Science, Boston, Massachusetts
Why: Love is awesome! So is cake!
Please arrive near-abouts 5:30, as we'll be starting the ceremony at 6:00. After we say lovey-dovey words to each other, please stick around for yummy food (fried chicken! mac n' cheese!), tasty drinks, and silly dancing.
You can park for free at the Museum of Science or take the Green Line all the way to the Science Park stop. The museum itself is just a hop and a skip from the station.
Also, children are very welcome. In fact, we have access to free one-day passes to the museum for our entire guest list, so if you or your family would like to do some scientific exploration that weekend, let us know!
No gifts are necessary or expected, but if you just can't resist giving us a token of your love, check out the places where we're registered on the "A Note About Our Wedding Registry" link to the right side of the page over there. I'm not quite sure how this registry thing works (never done this before!), but I think that at both sites, you can search for either Scott's or my full name and our registry should come up. If this isn't working, let me know.
With family near and far, not to mention the fact that Scott and I are about to embark on our move to Columbus, this here website will be Grand Central. Stop in to say howdy and check out things are coming along!
Hey M'lady. I don't see any links to your registries. :(